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One of the most frequently asked questions in IT interviews is the network. Most of the time it ends with a question about each component, and rarely asks about how it actually communicates. Therefore, most of the time, when preparing for an interview, it is unavoidable to study the standard questions. However, I think that Network is a must know even if you are not a Network Engineer. Multiple devices are connected through a network and we can live in a global era. Without a network, we have to do something only with a single computer. In other words, if you do not know the network, growth will stop as a developer who develops only on a single computer. I believe that understanding the network is essential in order to advance to a wider world and a higher level. We are going to start by studying the 5 layers of TCP/IP. Today, we will give a brief overview of the 5 layers.



tcp/ip is a model with 5 layers. Let’s start with the physical layer.

Physical Layer

These are physical devices. Computers communicate through this physical device. This includes network cables, connectors, etc.

It is also called the network interface layer or network access layer. It defines how to interpret the signal received from the Physical Layer. One such example is Ethernet. It serves to bring data to nodes in the same network.

Network Layer

The Network Layer is also called the Internet layer. It allows other networks to communicate through the device. Other networks are connected by what are known as routers. The Internet is the most famous among inter networks connected by routers. The most used protocol is IP.

The DataLink Layer is a role that allows data to be exchanged between single nodes, and the Network Layer is a role that allows data to be exchanged between a set of networks.

Client, Server


Network software is classified into Client and Server Software. An example of Client Software is email. However, this is actually two programs (email, web browser) running on the PC at the same time (single node run multiple application) .

Transport Layer

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It decides which client and which server will receive the data. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the most popular protocol.

Also, another example is something called UDP. It is good to remember that UDP is an unreliable protocol and TCP is a reliable protocol.

Application Layer

Application is actually the protocol we see the most, but there are too many protocols, which vary from app to app.



To summarize, the physical layer is a truck that actually transports data, where to go within an intersection, what route to go from the network origin to the destination, the transport notifies that the package has arrived, and the application is actually the contents inside it. It’s good if you do.

Addressing and resolving networking issues requires understanding that each protocol serves a different purpose.


[The TCP/IP Five-Layer Network Model Coursera](https://www.coursera.org/learn/computer-networking/lecture/BTLgy/the-tcp-ip-five-layer-network-model)

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