3 minute read

Previously, I wrote about why linux and shell commands are important [Boost Camp - Final Project Memoir (tistory.com)] (https://woongjun-warehouse.tistory.com/98?category=912504). From now on, we will correct the words LInux and Shell commands to UNIX commands. I think that the GUI interface is a kind of rivalry (opposite side) to UNIX commands. The shell that issues commands with UNIX commands is called CLI (Command Line Interface). I’ve seen a few developers in the past who hate GUIs and want to do everything with the CLI. I don’t think it’s necessary to extremly hate the GUI and glorify the CLI.

UNIX Command vs GUI

As Microsoft further improved Windows, the GUI interface became the standard and actually got on the GUI. ** Moving the mouse and clicking the icon is too embarrassing**._ Currently, there is no GUI called Mac OS. Linux also supports GUI. Used to people’s GUIs, Unix commands are great.

Unix hit and run, the wrong question, to you, is to disable UNIX commands. For example, you should say CD as well. **What you can do with UNIX commands is thinking about GUI. **Therefore, it is said that the UNIX command is not executed. However, it is not possible to use UNIX commands that are highly developed.

When to use UNIX Commands?

What about UNIX commands? I don’t write because I look cool, because I look like a hacker, or because I look smart. Because automation is possible.The word “automation” has a strong meaning to do the work for a human being, but an unexpected part can also be expressed as automation. For example, using a method called math library prod in python returns a mutliplication of an iterable object composed of numeric type objects. Developers have to write multiplication code with a for statement, but python does it for you. When the human eye finds a document containing a specific word, Python can conveniently use the in method. It can be called automation because it does the work for a human being. In this broad sense, everything done with a computer is automation. Whether you automate or not, the amount of work you do is the same in the end (except for the human inputting commands to automate).

To find a directory with a UNIX command and move to the directory, it is faster for a person to move by clicking the folder with the mouse, so the ,cd command is used. If UNIX commands do not automate many processes, there will be no benefit in terms of speed, and I do not think there is any reason to abandon the familiar GUI and switch to CLI. Some people say you have to use the CLI because you can’t install the GUI on the server computer, but I think you’re missing the point. Working with CLI is to issue commands to the shell with UNIX commands, so I think you should focus on UNIX commands.

When using UNIX commands, if it is faster than GUI, it is time to consider using UNIX commands

Proficiency is an issue, but it’s worth the time.

Of course, you can’t write UNIX commands well from scratch. At first, the work speed may be doubled or even several times slower. To practice this, it will be very tiring because I have to think about whether the task I’m doing is something that can be automated, and if I have to remember if it’s a command I’ve been using before. Not only that, it’s really hard to change a habit you’ve built in just a few days (if you’re a reader under the age of 10, think according to your age). It may take several months, but I don’t think it’s worth it if you’re going to be a developer for the rest of your life. (Actually, it doesn’t seem like it will take several months. I’ve been practicing for about 3 days, and I’m using it quite well.) .Extremely, if you reduce the amount of typing by 1/10 with UNIX, you will become a 10X developer you’ve only heard of. no see. In my spare time, I can study, go out to play, and spend time with my family, which is really good. Even assuming that the amount of typing is reduced by only 4%, roughly 1 year will be able to reduce by 2 weeks. Vacations are free. Less work, more vacation, how great!!.

Further post

I will try to post a comparison of commands in the future, focusing on which is faster compared to my personal GUI. I think the more you recognize the difference, the better it gets engraved in your head.


The Pragmatic Programmer - YES24

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