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Window Commands

Even on Windows, using Command well can save a lot of work. In particular, in Windows, there are many shortcut keys that can be used instead of arrow keys and backspace. Today we are going to find out about this.

Ctrl + <- , ->

This is a command to move by word unit based on space. Let’s compare this with the existing method.

Ctrl + <- , -> time <- roll, mouse
roll < roll, mouse drag


Go to the beginning of the sentence. Let’s compare this with the existing method.

Home time find scroll bar-> mouse drag
Button Click < roll, mouse drag


Move to the end of the sentence. Let’s compare this with the existing method.

End time find scrollbar-> mouse drag
button click < find scrollbar, mouse drag

Ctrl + Home,End

Go to the beginning of the document and to the end of the document. Let’s compare this with the existing method.

Ctrl + Home, End time roll arrow keys
button click < roll

Shift + moving shortcut

Block processing starts from the cursor position as much as it moves.

Shift + moving shorcut time shift + roll
roll < roll

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